
MinecraftStatusPinger logo with name and a grass block

Welcome to the wiki of MinecraftStatusPinger. Pages here contain information and useful pages about the MinecraftStatusPinger library, like examples and changelogs.

The wiki might later be used instead of standalone md files in the code (like responseExample.md and CHANGELOG.md)



Minecraft server status response example

These are some examples of what a Minecraft server can respond with, if you request if you ping it. There are various variations due to changes in Minecraft's code over the years.

Example 1: Hypixel

  • Version is any from 1.8 - 1.20, represented by the / wildcard.
      "version": {
          "name": "Requires MC 1.8 / 1.20",
          "protocol": 762
      "players": {
          "max": 100,
          "online": 5,
          "sample": []
      "description": "§aHypixel Network §c[1.8-1.20]\n" +
        "§6§lDOUBLE COINS + EXP §7- §e§lSUMMER EVENT",
      "favicon": "data:image/png;base64,<data>",

Example 2:

  • Version is now only one, 1.19.4
  • Includes a sample of players on the server.
  • Description is now an object, and the actual description is in "text".
  • Includes two new properties about chat moderation.
      "version": {
          "name": "1.19.4",
          "protocol": 762
      "players": {
          "max": 100,
          "online": 5,
          "sample": [
                  "name": "woodendoors7",
                  "id": "220cb038-b54c-423e-9d12-b845f64dee70"
      "description": {
          "text": "Hello world"
      "favicon": "data:image/png;base64,<data>",
      "enforcesSecureChat": true,
      "previewsChat": true

Example 3:

  • Now, instead of a single version, it lists the name of a proxy, and multiple versions that are wildcarded with an x, which is valid, and parsed my Minecraft.
  • No sample of players is provided.
  • The styling of the motd is now defined as an array of objects, instead of with $.
  • no enforcesSecureChat and previewChats is defined, since this is an older version of a server.
      "version": {
          "name": "Waterfall 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x, 1.13.x, 1.14.x, 1.15.x, 1.16.x, 1.17.x, 1.18.x",
          "protocol": 762
      "players": {
          "max": 100,
          "online": 5
      "description": {
          "text": "",
          "extra": [ { "color": "dark_blue", "text": "This is a cool MOTD!" }]
      "favicon": "data:image/png;base64,<data>",
      "enforcesSecureChat": true,
      "previewsChat": true




  • 🛠️ Fixed a bug which prevented users from .catch-ing errors thrown from the .lookup function. Any errors that cannot be caught in minecraftstatuspinger should be reported to issues.

  • 🛠️ Fixed a bug where the custom DNS lookup wouldn't properly deliver the DNS data to the createConnection socket, resulting from createConnection asking for either all IPs (array) or just the first one (object) which I needed to return differently.



  • 🟢 Added lookup option disableJSONParse to completely skip parsing JSON.
    • ⚙️ Renamed primary lookup option hostname to host, hostname stays as an alias.

all versions